Pricing Information

Pep Talk, PLLC is private-pay/self-pay only*. Payments can be made by cash, check, credit card, Zelle, or HSA/flex-spending cards. Payments are due at the end of each visit, or payment options can be arranged for pre-school visits.

Upon request, Pep Talk will provide a “super bill” for submission to insurance companies to obtain out of network benefits or for HSA/flex-spending accounts. It is the patient’s responsibility to file for reimbursement and relay changes to Pep Talk.


Speech-Language Screening- $15

This is a 15-20 minute screening of articulation, receptive and expressive language, voice, and fluency skills. The SLP will make a recommendation to either complete a full assessment, rescreen in 6 months, or no further action needed. If a full speech-language assessment is recommended, the cost of the screening will be applied towards the evaluation cost.


Articulation or Fluency Evaluation- $150

This is an evaluation of articulation/phonological processing or stuttering skills only. The cost includes the time it takes for the SLP to gather a case history, evaluate the child, write a report, and also includes a 20 minute, 1:1 session with the caregivers to discuss evaluation results, diagnosis, and recommendations.

Language-Only Evaluation- $200

This is an evaluation of receptive and expressive language skills only. It will include social/pragmatic language skills if needed. The cost includes the time it takes for the SLP to gather a case history, evaluate the child, write a report, and also includes a 20 minute, 1:1 session with the caregivers to discuss evaluation results, diagnosis, and recommendations.

Comprehensive Evaluation- $225

This is an evaluation of more than one area of concern. It can include any variety of articulation, fluency, language, and pragmatic skills. The cost includes the time it takes for the SLP to gather a case history, evaluate the child, write a report, and also includes a 20 minute, 1:1 session with the caregivers to discuss evaluation results, diagnosis, and recommendations.

Prior Eval Review & New Patient Set-Up- $25

If your child has had a recent speech-language evaluation completed (less than 1 year) from a school or other private practice, Pep Talk (most likely) does not need to complete another evaluation. This cost covers the review of the prior evaluation, intake paperwork, such as social-developmental history, areas of need, etc…, and establishment of a Diagnosis & Treatment plan, which outlines areas of needs and goals for your child. Pep Talk and the caregivers will meet and discuss all information during a consultation session following the evaluation review to ensure goals align with the child’s and family’s needs.

Therapy Sessions

30 minute Speech Therapy- $60

20 minute Speech Therapy- $42.50 (min. 2x/week)

45 minute Speech Therapy- $90

10 minute teletherapy- $15 (“add-on” service-must be in addition to a 20-30 minute appointment)

This cost includes speech therapy services provided at the office or on-site therapy at a contracted pre-school or private school.

5 minutes of every session will be used to discuss therapy progress, homework, etc… with the caregiver.

*At the time of the evaluation, the parent and SLP will discuss recommendations for frequency and duration of services. 30 minutes is common, however other frequency and durations may be discussed based on your child’s individual needs.